
This heart ((<|3))
Friday 7 June 2013 | 23:03 | 0 comment(s)
Hai assalammualaikum. We meet again! :)

Humans brain. Is full with so many thoughts. wether its bad or good. Sometimes i thought to myself, why do i have to suffer like this. But hey, everybody hurts, right? It sucks for me to lose the person i love so much. It sucks for me to lose the person who once is another part of me. I know, she never meant to do this to me and i swear to Allah, i never meant to hurt her too. I'm never a good to anybody. I wish i could be. For just once.

It hurts me that one wants to actually listen to me and dont fight. Im a human. A slave of Allah. Who am i to be perfect? Who am i to talk about everything in a perfect way? Who am i to live...i mean to nah nvm. I dont get it how people can just tell me to kill myself. And i really want too sometimes. Im not important anyone anymore. I dont know man. I just dont know. But maybe this Allah test for me aye? Allah loves me. That's why he test me with probs right :'\.

You guys wanna know something. If you guys are in MY place. You dont want to live anymore but hey in Islam, there's no such thing as killing yourself right. In Islam, they teaches us to face the problems with Allah's help right? So yeah.

To the girl who im badly sorry for "hurting" and youre not even hurting me. Look, im sorry for Allah's sake. I know all of this is misunderstand because of my selfish feelings. I swear, if i have to jump into the moving train i would. I would. Just to make you happy again. I mean like i hurted people too a lot you know. I hope you understand. Everybody that comes INTO my life just suffers. I dont know what i did or maybe its just something that just gonna happen but THEY SUFFER BECAUSE OF ME. You get me?

aite. i dont know what else i would say. Im sorry for hurting you. I'll run for a bullet if i have too. Im sorry. Bismillah. Assalammualaikum.

x; Zee

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